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> wake-up: “The Racial Loyalist manifesto”, Matt Hale “88 Precepts”(solutions to the conspiracy) “White Genocide Manifesto”(proof), David Lane “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”(more proof) ”Judaism Discovered”, Michael Hoffman 2nd “The Talmud Unmasked”, reverend I.B.Pranaitis(both being analyses of Jewry’s religion) “ The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme – Inside the Rothschild Empire”,Michael Collins Piper “Synagogue of Satan”, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (both being historical overviews of the conspiracy and proof it derives from the Babylonian Talmud) ”What the Talmud Teaches”, daat emet “Jewish Ritual Murder – A Historical Investigation”,Dr.

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JEWISH SUPREMACIST EQUATION: A +B =C = D Ī= J.O.G(‘Jewish Occupation Government’) handouts to non- whites+discrimination in hiring+non-white immigration+forced assimilation+anti-white hate propaganda/falsified historyī= I) universalist/out-group altruism (towards non-whites via Judeo-Christianity/Liberalism-both Jewish psy-ops creating internal racism, ie.’white self-hate’)+ 2) faggotism/femi-nut-ism(pysops created by Jews to create internal sex war and destroy the white nuclear family/decrease the birth-rate)+ 3) possessive individualism/egotism(solipsism-leading to white tribal fragmentation)+ 4) internationalist communism/socialism/democracy (redistribution of fruits of ancestral labour to non-whites under the guise of ‘equality’-an absurdity)ġst: Education to become aware of the problem(see below and reference sections)….ĮSSENTIAL the JEWISH CONSPIRACY. Ii)Prepare for RAHOWA: “Racial Holy War” and overcome the Enemy. “We Must Secure the Existence of Our People and a Future for White Children”-David Lane I)=educate/help others+pool resources+exclusive territory+group activities+self-development to fulfill the 14 WORDS: WHITE SURVIVAL EQUATION:A + B Ī= no reality denial+cultural awareness+proper understanding of history+common sense+pragmatic mentality(‘by all means necessary’)*(above)ī= i) Racial Loyalty(in-group altruism/inclusion)+ii) Target Enemies(out-group hostility/exclusion) “Delenda Est Judaica”-Judaism is a HATE crime–RAHOWA- ‘racial holy war’ upon the jewish money power & their witless slaves(‘Shabbos Goyim’) Therefore nature’s laws are God’s laws and the*first and highest law of nature is the preservation of one’s own kind.”-David Lane see other LOKI documents for amplification be read chronologically for symbols=seeff. “Nature and nature’s laws are the work of the creator. The IRON TABLET OF WOTAN: the book of white/right life “All Life is struggle”-Peace is Death

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Traditionalist Philosophy: Doctrinal Synopsis “The IRON Tablet of WOTAN-the book of White/Right Life”: TOPICAL INDEXĮssential intro to The Luciferian ConspiracyĪ Declaration of Independance from Jewish Tyranny

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