Nonmem software
Nonmem software

nonmem software

In pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis, conventional models are generally described by ordinary differential equations (ODE). Therefore, PREDFILT ensures enhanced flexibility in PK or PPK analyses under NONMEM environments. The calculation results of the compartment models and a dispersion model are in good agreement with the ordinary analytical solutions and theoretical values. We implemented PREDFILT, a specialized PRED subroutine, which functions as an internal model unit in NONMEM to enable versatile FILT analysis with second-order precision. In this study, we focus on extending the modeling functions of Nonlinear Mixed Effect Model (NONMEM), a standard software for PK and population pharmacokinetic (PPK) analyses, by adding the Fast Inversion of Laplace Transform (FILT) method, one of the representative numerical inverse Laplace transform methods. Consequently, numerical inverse Laplace transform methods have been developed. However, inverse Laplace transform is often mathematically difficult. The solution in the Laplace transformed forms is inverse Laplace transformed to derive an analytical solution. In pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis, conventional models are described by ordinary differential equations (ODE) that are generally solved in their Laplace transformed forms.

Nonmem software